karson777's website

This is my simple website. All my socials are below


Here is my YouTube channel where I make videos about technology, linux or whatever I feel like posting.

> Why not Peertube or Odysee?

I have accounts on both for people who dislike YouTube, but I use YouTube because that's where the people are and the reason I make videos is for people to watch. If you don't want to use YouTube I recommend watching my videos through an invidious instance, on odysee or on peertube where you don't get ads or tracked by Google.


This is my peertube channel. It's synced to my youtube channel and ran by the same admin of starnix, which is where my mastodon profile is on.

Why can't make an account on videos.danksquad.org?

The instance I'm on is invite only. I recommend you make an account on a different instance and subscribe to me from there. You can find an instance on joinpeertube.org. You can also look me up on any fediverse account by searching for karson777_channel@videos.danksquad.org


Here is my odysee channel so I don't have to rely on google to host all my videos, if you don't want to use javascript check out librarian and choose and instance.


Here is my Mastodon profile, this is the social network I am most active on.

Why can't make an account on mstdn.starnix.network?

The instance I'm on is invite only. I recommend you make an account on a different instance and subscribe to me from there. You can find an instance on joinmastodon.org. You can also look me up on any fediverse account by searching for karson777@mstdn.starnix.network


This is my lemmy profile, if you want to know that for some reason. If you want to join lemmy find an instance, go to join-lemmy.org



Here is my matrix account, feel free to reach out to me here if you have any questions or comments.

New to matrix? Check out matrix.org/try-matrix



Here is my XMPP account, I don't check this as much as my matrix account (I simply don't have as much contacts on XMPP so I'm not on it as much) but feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.

New to XMPP? Check out xmpp.org/getting-started


Here is my github where I have repositories of my projects. Eventually I'll want to move these over to my own gitlab instance so I won't have to rely on other corperations to host my git repositories.

Donate in Monero!


My YouTube and Github repositories is always going to be public and free. But if you want to donate the only way to donate is with monero (I'll plan on adding libera pay in the future). If you are new to monero or cryptocurrency, I recommend visiting getmonero.org. This has a outline on how to make a wallet and buy and sell monero. It lists out some exchanges, but the one I recommend is LocalMonero

> Why not any other crypto currency?

Mental Outlaw made a great video explaining some of the pros of monero which is linked here.For you more technically inclined, the whitepaper on how monero works is here.

TLDR: Bitcoin stores all of your transactions publicly. Central exchanges defeats the point of decentralized currency. Monero is private by default.

Quick note for YouTube/Odysee viewers

I am still in school, so the videos aren't always my #1 priority. When I can make videos I will, but please be understanding if I don't get videos out on a normal schedule.

Future plans for karson777.xyz

Eventually, I want to start using hugo to write simple markdown files to more easily make static sites without bloated javascript. This site will always be minimal and accessible to users without the need for all that extra crap. This way I can have an RSS feed and worry about the content of the site, not the technical stuff.